Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy requires commitment of time, energy and resources, as do all forms of therapy. Because another person in is the room with you, that commitment can feel very challenging at times. The goals include:

  • becoming the person you aspire to be in your relationship
  • becoming an effective listener
  • to be seen and heard by your partner
  • to see and hear your partner
  • to disrupt the injurious and hurtful patterns which have developed over time (the same arguments, threats, ultimatums, wishing for “before…,” etc.)
  • learn and practice new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving to have greater closeness and intimacy
  • increase your openness to discovery and risk while increasing your knowledge of yourself and your partner

If you have children, you are giving them a gift greater than you could imagine: an end to verbal and non-verbal conflict and friction.




Monday, Friday - Sunday:


Tuesday, Thursday:

11:00 am - 5:00 pm


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm